System Requirements Realmz requires a Macintosh with 1900K free ram, a 68020 processor or better and is capable of displaying 256 colors on a 13" monitor or larger. Power PC Compatability I did 99.9% of the development of Realmz on a Mac IIsi and finished the last month or so on my trusty new PPC 6100/60 and it runs like a charm on my machine. I have not had the chance to try it on a 7100/8100 standard/AV so I do not know if it will work. Known problems with Realmz 1) May not work on AV equiped Macs such as the 660AV, 840AV, PowerMac AV or just about any other AV Mac. I am working to try and correct this problem. 2) Does not like to deal with screen savers. Disable or deactivate them, so that they do not have the opportunity to take control. The problem here is that I update the game screens in a special way to maximize speed, thus I don't use the normal window update detections. This leaves you with a mass of blank space when coming back from a screen saver. 3) Does not switch to the background via selection of (by clicking on) other running programs in the application menu. (Hell if I know why.) To place Realmz in the background, you must select Hide Realmz from the application menu or click on the desktop directly. 4) The suggested memory for Realmz is 1900K. The more you give it, the better and faster it will run. 3000K should be enough to maximize the performance. 5) The spell list is in the form of a Microsoft document. I plan on adding a look-up feature similar to the beastiary in the menu, but for now, it's up to you to print it out yourself. These are the known problems with this version, and I am working on fixing all of them. This is a very large undertaking for a one-man operation and I can only work on this during my spare time, so progress has been slow. We labor on, however....